Training and employment

The practice of the Department of Physical and Economic Geography.

Professional practices of students are a mandatory part of the educational program of higher education and an important element in the formation of professional competencies. The educational program of bachelor's degree in the specialty Geography provides educational (1-2 course), industrial (3 course). All types of practices are carried out in accordance with the working programs of practices approved at the meeting of the Department of physical and economic geography. The organization of practice at all stages should be aimed at ensuring continuity and consistency of mastering professional skills by students in accordance with the requirements for the level of training of the future specialist. One of the main tasks of all types of practices are successful and timely consolidation of knowledge gained by students while listening to theoretical courses; methodological and mastery of modern methods of study objects of study; fixing of skills of independent work, as well as works with literary, cartographic and special sources with comprehension of the materials obtained and summarizing the results in a report, with its public protection all study group students.

Academic practice of the 1st year in the specialty Geography

Training (field) practice is conducted in the second semester and is the logical conclusion of the study of the relevant disciplines. 

The purpose of the training practice: the practice is designed to deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities of students in General professional subjects and disciplines of subject training. Educational practice for students of the 1st year is an important link in the system of education and training of geographers and is carried out in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge obtained in the courses "General land science", "Topography with the basics of geodesy". Field work in meteorology, hydrology, geomorphology, Geology, geobotany, and soil science is an integral part of field practice in General earth science.

The main objectives of the training field practice are: 

- mastering the methodology of field research and obtaining skills for documenting the results of field observations (working with field diaries, topographic maps, forms, herbariums, etc.); acquiring skills in handling the simplest geodetic tools (compass, bussol, school level, roulette, mountain compass, etc.); 

- acquisition of skills in Desk processing of field material and its graphical display (generalization of field records, compilation of a summary, systematic list of field observations, computer processing of data obtained, profiling) and report preparation;

- development of an integrated approach to the assessment of natural phenomena, i.e. the ability to fix, observe and analyze a complex system of interrelation of natural components and an even more complex system of interrelation of nature and human activity; development of geographical thinking; - gain skills in the field of diagnostics of soils of the forest zone and to develop methods of soil profiling terrain; 

- collection and analysis of literary, cartographic, stock and electronic materials covering natural conditions and anthropogenic impact on the territory of field practice; 

- study the basics of various types of tourism techniques, tourist topography, safety techniques, organization of everyday life in campaigns and expeditions; - develop a sense of collectivism and patriotism;

- to develop an ecological culture, a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment and a desire for specific activities for its protection and reproduction. 

Place of practice: educational and health center "TUMAR" at ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov, Akmola region, Zerendinsky district, Zerenda village 

Practice structure:

Field practice in geology, geomorphology, and topography is an integral part of the whole process of preparing students-geographers. This type of training allows us to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge presented in lectures and practical (laboratory) studies of the disciplines of the general science and exploration cycle, as well as to form a materialistic understanding of nature and a natural-scientific perception of a single picture of the world; contributes to the development of student research skills and scientific creativity.

Field practice in geology, geomorphology and topography is conducted in the second semester after mastering the theoretical and practical component of the mapping courses — "geology", "geomorphology" and "cartography with the basics of topography", "landscape studies", "toponymy", as well as "introduction to geography", "geography", "methods of geographical research"," basics of technology, tactics and security in tourism."



       Academic practice of the 2st year in the specialty Geography 

Educational field practice in landscape science

Purpose and objectives of the practice

The main goal of field practice in landscape science is to master the methods of field landscape research and gain experience in evaluating natural systems for practical purposes.

The main objectives of the practice are:

development of methods for detecting and mapping geosystems in the field; defining the boundaries of geosystems and establishing their rank;

 mastering the method of landscape profiling (determine the vertical structure and morphological structure of the studied geosystems);

 mastering the method of working in key areas, analyze the relationships between the components of the natural environment; identify patterns in their structure and dynamics, determine the main trends of evolution under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors;

 to trace the nature of anthropogenic changes in natural systems.

Practice bases

The selected territory should include typical zonal and intrasonal geosystems, have a fairly complete set of basic types of terrain and their characteristic tracts that reveal the structure of the studied landscapes.

Location of landscape practice:

1. Kazakhstan, Almaty, Almaty region: Issyk lake, Turgen gorge, Charyn canyon, Big Almaty lake, Shymbulak.

2. Russian Federation, Barnaul, Altai territory: Barnaul-Biysk-Gorno-Altaisk-Srostki-Maima-Shebalino-Aktash-Kosh-Agach-Kurai.

Educational field practices are an integral part of the educational process of students studying in the specialty "Geography-5B060900".

Key section № 1, Issyk lake

Landscape practice completes the cycle of private field practices in the process of preparing bachelor's degrees in geography and is aimed at mastering the methods of field landscape research, identifying the relationship between the individual components of the geographical envelope and the idea of its complex structure.

Key section№ 2, Turgen gorge

Students of the group Gg-21, Gg-22 from June 12 to 25, 2019 were trained in landscape practice. Students-geographers visited various landscape zones, studied various natural processes.

Key section № 3, Charyn canyon, data analysis and processing

During the practice, about 5 routes were overcome, covering such objects as lake Issyk, Turgen gorge, Charyn canyon, Big Almaty lake, and Shymbulak. The immediate proximity of the mountains allowed us to study the physical and geographical characteristics of the high-altitude zone of the Trans-ili Alatau, to determine the current processes that affect the development of this mountain system.

Key section № 4, Big Almaty lake, data analysis and processing

During the course of the educational landscape practice, students have consolidated their theoretical knowledge, gained practical skills that can later help in conducting independent research.


3 course manufacturing practice

The purpose of  manufacturing practice (internship): to consolidate and expand the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills acquired by students in the previous period and to acquire skills of professional (practical) activity and conducting geographical research in industrial enterprises and institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Tasks of manufacturing practice (internship)

The General objectives of the practice include:

• Familiarity with the structure (departments, divisions) and main activities of the enterprise (institution);

• Familiarity with the tasks, methods, results and work plan of the unit (Department) identified as the place of practice;

• Participation in the preparation and conduct (performance) of activities (types of work) determined jointly with the head of the practice at the enterprise (institution);

• Collection of materials identified by the practice Manager as necessary sources (statistical data, methodological developments, cartographic materials) for its implementation;

• Acquisition of business communication experience, skills of working in a production team.

Practice topics

1. Geographical location

2. Historical and geographical features of the company's development.

3. Economic and geographical characteristics of the enterprise.

4. Characteristics of the raw material base of the enterprise

5. Characteristics of the main technological process of production of the enterprise's products

6. Production relations of the enterprise.

7. Industrial production and engineering staff of the enterprise

8. Economic and environmental problems and prospects of the enterprise development.


Ability to apply methods of economic - geographic research, geographic zoning, socio-economic cartography for processing, analysis and synthesis of economic and geographical information, the skills of spatial planning and design of various types of socio - economic and environmental activities, ability to apply basic models and instruments of regional policy.


Educational practice of the 1st year in the specialty Hydrology

Field practice in geodesy is one of the most important forms of student learning, which allows bringing the learning process closer to production conditions. It is here thanks to the practical work with geodetic instruments and standard documentation, students can acquire skills in the acquired knowledge obtained earlier in lectures and in the process of classroom studies and IWS.
Field geodetic practice allows us to consistently master the methodology of geodetic measurements, as well as the production of practical geodesic observations on diverse, incl. hydrological objects, determine the most effective instruments for this purpose, consolidate knowledge of the purpose of instruments, the order of removal and accuracy of readings, the introduction of necessary corrections, as well as a system for recording instrument readings and observations.
The objectives of field practice in geodesy are the consolidation of the knowledge gained and the acquisition of practical skills, laying theodolite and leveling techniques with technical accuracy.
The tasks of field practice in geodesy are to familiarize students with the methods of geodetic measurements of terrain and individual components of hydrological objects.
During practice, the student must master the basics of the following vocational skills:
- get skills of field geodetic measurements;
- work with educational, scientific and reference literature;
- process and analyze field materials.



Educational practice of the 2st year in the specialty Hydrology

The general hydrometric educational practice of students of the 2nd course of the specialty "Hydrology" is an important link and one of the most important stages of the formation of specialists.

Field training practice in hydrometry is not only a stage that sums up the whole amount of knowledge accumulated over two years of study but also a moment of qualitative transformation of undergraduate students into intermediate-level specialists who are capable of independent hydrological work. Therefore, already at the stage of educational practices, in addition to purely professional tasks, the teacher is faced with the most important task of the educational plan — developing in each student a sense of professional responsibility for their work, a scrupulous approach to each dimension and writing in a field book.

Experience shows that training in the field is more efficient and causes great interest among students when they are already at the stage of training practices of individual research works in the framework of UIRS and the research topics of the department. These data can then be used in the preparation of scientific works, term papers, and even final works. Successful, methodically correct conduct of training practices is a sure guarantee of good academic performance at senior courses in the study of hydrological disciplines, as well as the successful completion of industrial practices in the specialty.

Objectives of educational practice:
• consolidation and expansion of theoretical knowledge gained during the passage of relevant courses;
• familiarization with the main elements of the organization of field work;
• acquisition of practical experience in the production of basic hydrometric works, sufficient for their independent performance in various conditions, which is necessary, in particular, during the passage of production practices in the specialty;
• study of the device devices, their testing and working with them in the field;
• office processing of observation materials, independent elementary research;
• familiarizing students with safety regulations when working on water bodies.

The tasks of educational practice are to familiarize students with the methodology for studying individual components of hydrological objects, nature, and identifying geographical and hydrological patterns in their distribution.
During practice, the student must master the basics of the following vocational skills:
- work with educational, scientific and reference literature;
- gain field research skills;
- process and analyze field materials

To perform the main tasks, students explore the territory of the valley of the River Nura, Lake. Tengiz, Korgalzhinsk Wetlands.
The Nura River is the largest river in the Nura-Sarysu basin. Most of the runoff p. Nura belongs to the internal drainage-free Aral-Caspian basin, in some wet years part of the runoff flows into the r. Ishim The length of the river is 978 km, the catchment area is 58.1 thousand km². It flows within the Kazakh small mountains. The main tributaries of the Nura River are the Cherubai-Nura, the Ulkenkundyzdy and Akbastau rivers.
Lake Tengiz is located on the territory of the Korgalzhinsky Reserve, in the center of the Kazakh Hills. This is one of the largest lakes in this region, its area is 1580 sq. km and the length of the coastline is 488 km. It is a bitter-salty drainless reservoir. The Nura and Kulanutpes rivers flow into the lake, it is located in a tectonic depression.


3 course manufacturing practice

The purpose of practical training for students of the specialty "Hydrology" is to consolidate theoretical knowledge and deepen practical skills in conducting hydrometric and hydrological work. The students are expected to master the basic duties of a technician and a hydrologist.

Tasks of industrial practice:
1. To collect the initial hydrometeorological materials on one of the water bodies.

2. To get acquainted with the primary processing of the results of hydrometeorological observations.

3. To get acquainted with the existing new hydrometric instruments.

4. To conduct reconnaissance surveys in river basins.

5. Process laboratory data and analysis of surface water quality.

6. To carry out hydrological calculations (costs, speeds, levels, deformations, etc.).

7. To establish the size of water protection zones and coastal protective strips

8. Create a report on production practice.


Types of professional practices undergraduates of the specialty 7M05213 - "Geography"


In accordance with the educational program and academic calendar, undergraduates of the 2nd year are provided with the following practices:

- teaching practice - 3 semester duration of 15 weeks;

 - research practice-4 semester duration of 12 weeks.

Pedagogical practice of undergraduates is an active individual form of training of undergraduates, during which they develop the ability to work independently, based on individual plans and tasks.

The purpose of pedagogical practice is to expand and consolidate the theoretical and practical knowledge gained by students in the course of training, to acquire and improve practical skills in the chosen educational program, to prepare for future professional pedagogical activities.

Tasks of pedagogical practice:

- learn and master modern teaching methods and develop organizational and methodological skills;

- to systematize and deepen theoretical and practical knowledge on the profile of training, to form the skills of their application in solving specific pedagogical and methodological problems;

- develop the skills to independently conduct educational work with students;

- learn to analyze and summarize the best pedagogical experience and use it in independent professional activities;

- master the principles of drawing up work plans and their reporting.

At the end of the internship, the master's student should be able to:

- independently analyze the results of the classes that he conducted, make them in writing (reporting documentation).

- use methods, standards and other regulatory technical documentation.

- independently carries out: the study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of teaching in higher education; acquaintance with the methods of preparing and conducting lectures, laboratory and practical classes, seminars, consultations, exams, course and diploma design.

Passing the pedagogical practice allows students to form the necessary professional skills of pedagogical reflection and critical understanding of the pedagogical process in their future pedagogical activity; apply, interpret and improve the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the course of studying at the university; form a creative and research attitude to the professional activity of a teacher.

The research practice of students is an integral part of the main educational program of the training direction 7M05213 - "Geography".

The purpose of the research practice is to master the practical methods of research; to develop practical skills for the creative implementation of the research tasks; to master the skills of independent research activities in accordance with the direction and subject of the dissertation works.

The main task of the practice is to acquire undergraduates experience in conducting research and mastering such skills as:

- identification and formulation of current scientific problems;

- development of research and development programs, organization of their implementation;

- development of research methods and tools and analysis of their results;

- development of organizational and managerial models of processes, phenomena and objects, evaluation and interpretation of results;

- search, collection, processing, analysis and systematization of information on the research topic;

- preparation of scientific reviews, reports, and publications.

As a result of the internship, undergraduates must:

- possess the skills of independent planning and conducting scientific research;

- be able to formulate and solve problems that arise in the course of research activities and require in-depth professional knowledge in their field;

- be able to choose the necessary research methods, modify existing ones and develop new methods based on the objectives of a particular study;

- be able to process the results obtained, analyze and comprehend them taking into account the data available in the scientific literature of domestic and foreign authors;

- possess the skills of conducting bibliographic work with the use of modern information technologies.

Research practice provides an opportunity for undergraduates to gain experience in practical research activities, the formation of a professional orientation.



Types of professional practicesDoctoral studies in the specialty 6D060900-Geography


In accordance with the academic calendar and curriculum of the specialty 6D060900 "Geography", doctoral students undergo the following types of professional practices:

- pedagogical – 2nd year, 3rd semester (duration-3 weeks, labor intensity-3 credits, 45 hours);

- research – 2nd year, 4th semester (duration-6 weeks labor intensity - 6 credits, 180 hours);

- summer field experimental research on the topic of the dissertation.

The purpose of the pedagogical practice was to improve the practical knowledge, skills and abilities of conducting pedagogical activities in higher educational institutions, as well as to gain experience in research pedagogical activities, to improve the professional and competence qualities of the student. Doctoral students as future teachers of higher education should be guided by the problems of organizing educational work, finding new innovative approaches to teaching and educating students and undergraduates in the conditions of a higher professional education institution. Tutoring in line with the trends and directions of development of modern teaching.

In the course of practical training, lectures and training sessions are conducted, educational, methodological, educational and organizational work is carried out.

The practice bases are the Department of Physical and Economic Geography of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU, the departments of other higher educational institutions, upon request, in the case of a doctoral student studying under targeted grant funding.


 Pedagogical practice at KarSU after E. A. Buketov 

Research practice is a type of research activity aimed at deepening and systematizing the theoretical and methodological training of a doctoral student, practical mastery of the technology of research activities, acquisition and improvement of practical skills for performing scientific and experimental work in accordance with the requirements for the level of training of a PhD doctor.

The doctoral student's research practice is conducted at the place of study or in scientific organizations, which can be considered as experimental sites for conducting research related to the topic of the doctoral dissertation.

The practice bases can be higher educational institutions, the International Scientific Complex "Astana", departments for nature management, ecology and environmental regulation and control, agricultural experimental stations, Institutes of Geography, land committees, Kazhydromet, etc. During the practice, doctoral students are given the opportunity to conduct experimental research on a pre-developed program, considering the tasks of the doctoral dissertation.


Research practice at the Institute of Geography 


The practice is carried out in three stages:

1. Organization of the referral of doctoral students to practice, including the distribution of doctoral students in the practice bases;

2. Doctoral students ' practical training in the relevant organizations and control over the implementation of work on the practice of doctoral students;

3. Reception of protection of results of research practice.

The purpose of the summer field experimental research is implementation of the experimental part of the research work to obtain field materials and data necessary for implementation of the dissertation research. Summer field research they are performed along certain routes and key sections in accordance with the direction and topic of the dissertation research. The summer field experimental work is carried out in the regions of the dissertation research.


  Summer field research and identification of agricultural landscapes of the West Kazakhstan region 


Practice base 

Department of philology



Employment of the department "Physical and economic geography."


The main task of the Department of "Physical and Economic Geography" is to train qualified and in-demand personnel, ensuring their competitiveness and demand in the labor market and meeting modern requirements.

Most of the students, undergraduates and doctoral students are successfully employed in the fields of geography and hydrology, hold managerial positions, teach at universities, there are also graduates who continue their master's studies, some are already studying for doctoral and postgraduate studies in China, the Czech Republic, Russia, and Canada. And our graduates are trained on a grant under the Bolashak program in different countries, as well as at the expense of the host country.

Every year, graduates of the department show a high level of employment. Employment rate: 


Geography (6D060900) 100%

Geography (6M060900) 83%

Geography (6B060900) 93%


Geography (6D060900) 100%

Geography (6M060900) 96%

Geography (6B060900) 97%


Geography (6D060900) 100%

Geography (6M060900) 100%

Geography (6B060900) 96.5%


Geography (6D060900) 100%

Geography (6M060900) 100%

 Geography (5B060900) 96,5%

 Hydrology  (5B061000) 83,3%

 2021-2022 years

Geography (6D060900) -90 %

Geography (6M060900)- 100 %

 Geography (5B060900)-97 %

 Hydrology  (5B061000)-97 %


2022-2023 years

  «8D05211- Search geography and geographic information systems» -100%

«7M05213 – Geography» - 100%

«7M01524 - Training of teachers of geography» - 100%

«5В060900-Geography» - 96%

«7M05210-Hydrology» -100%

«5В061000-Hydrology» - 98%

Employment information:

Our graduates work in the following organizations:

The work plan of the Department of Physical and Economic Geography for the employment of graduates (bachelor's/master's/doctoral studies) for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Report on "Physical and Economic Geography". 2019-2020

The work plan of the Department of Physical and Economic Geography for the employment of graduates (bachelor's/master's/doctoral studies) for the 2020-2021 academic year.

hReport on "Physical and Economic Geography". 2020-2021

The work plan of the Department of Physical and Economic Geography for the employment of graduates (bachelor's/master's/doctoral studies) for the 2021-2022 academic year.

The work plan of the Department of Physical and Economic Geography for the employment of graduates (bachelor's/master's/doctoral studies) for the 2022-2023 academic year.