EP 5B060600- "Chemistry"


Sphere of application

The educational program is designed for the training of personnel - Chemists for organizations and enterprises of chemical, environmental, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, education and science.

Awarded degree

Bachelor's of Natural

The purpose of the EP

The purpose of the educational program is to form students' professional competence in the field of the chemical industry in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and employers

List of specialist positions

- Chemist, chemist-engineer, chemist - laboratory assistant (in laboratories of universities, scientific research institute of chemical, ecological and other profiles, chemical industry enterprises);

- Specialist in the application of physical and chemical methods in various fields of the national economy (petrochemistry, metallurgy, pharmaceutical and chemical industries);

- teacher of chemistry in secondary professional institutions

Sphere of professional activity


Management and control of labor and educational activities, project management of material properties programming, design of nanotechnological materials, an analyst in the extractive industries