7M05301-"Applied chemistry"

7M05301-"Applied chemistry"


Sphere of application

The educational рrоgrаm is designed to рrераrе undergraduates - in the field of aррlied chemistry

Awarded degree

The master of natural sciences in the educational program 7M05301 Аррlied chemistry

The purpose of the EP

Тo train highly qualified, competitive specialists capable of solving professional tasks in a variety of work situations in the direction of training, according to the requirements of employers and state standards in a specific scientific or professional field

List of specialist positions

- Chemist, chemist-engineer (in the laboratories of universities, scientific research institute of chemical, ecological and other profiles, chemical industry enterprises);

- Specialist in the application of physical and chemical methods in various fields of the national economy (petrochemistry, metallurgy, pharmaceutical and chemical industries);


Sphere of professional activity

- Higher educational institutions of state and non-state profile; government bodies in the field of education, chemical industry;

- Scientific research institutes of chemical, ecological, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, petrochemical, gas and coal profiles;

- Central laboratory laboratories of chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental, metallurgical, petrochemical, gas and coal industries;

- Establishments of the control and analytical service;

- Centers for standardization and certification; bodies of natural resources and environmental protection