6B05302-"Inorganic chemistry"

6B05302-"Inorganic chemistry"


Sphere of application

The educational program is designed to prepare bachelors in the field of inorganic chemistry

Awarded degree

Bachelor of Natural Science in the educational program 6В05302 - Inorganic Chemistry (Chemistry)

The purpose of the EP

Preparation of bachelors with fundamental knowledge in chemical sciences, who are able to use theoretical and practical knowledge to solve professional problems in the field of chemistry and chemical expertise, who are familiar with the new directions of modern chemistry, and who are able to apply their knowledge in scientific, practical and educational activities.

List of specialist positions

- Chemist

- chemist-engineer

- chemist - laboratory 

- specialist in educational institutions 

Sphere of professional activity

- organizational and technological activities: in institutions and enterprises of the chemical industry

- research activities: in research organizations of chemical profile;

- educational activities: in educational institutions.