Religious situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and destructive pseudo-religious movements

1. To familiarize students with the main provisions of the Law "On Countering Extremism", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Religious Activities and Religious Associations", the Law "On State Youth Policy",

2. To promote the formation of a tolerant model of behavior among students, including religious tolerance.

3. Education of patriotism in students.

Objectives: The purpose of the event was to give students an idea about extremism, terrorism, its types, causes and consequences, to explain the importance and relevance of this problem, the formation of public consciousness and civic position of students.

Oleg Sinyakov, an expert in the field of religious studies, spoke about why, despite the abundance of warning information, young people find themselves in religious sects again and again.

"Religion plays an important role in modern society, its impact on public opinion is quite large.

During the event, the main aspects of countering extremism were identified:

* promotion of civil-patriotic, political, spiritual and moral education of young citizens;

* dissemination of knowledge among students and students about the fight against extremism;

* prevention of offenses, including religious beliefs and involvement of students in the activities of religious extremist organizations;

* Functioning of religious extremist organizations in Kazakhstan;

* study of state legislative acts: the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law "On Countering Extremism", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Religious Activities and Religious Associations", the Law "On State Youth Policy", the Comprehensive Education Program in educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Program "On the prevention of juvenile delinquency and prevention of neglect and homelessness".

The main conclusion reached by the participants of the curatorial hour was formulated as follows: "The main goal of countering religious extremism should not be ordinary performers, but actual organizers and customers, who, as a rule, remain in the shadows. Dialogue with the public is also an important component of the fight against religious extremism!".