Regional Subject Olympiad in Biology 2023

The subject Olympiad for 10 and 11 grades school students in biology has been in January 13, 2023. The goal of the regional Olympiad is to identify and support talented schoolchildren, as well as to help them in choosing a profession.

The Olympiad was attended by: Head of the Department of General Biology and Genomics O. Z. Ilderbaev, Chairman of the Commission of the Regional Subject Olympiad - A. Zh. Nursafina  Members of the Commission: lecturers of the Department of Biology and Genomics A. D. Dukenbaeva, D. T. Isakova, M. B. Salkymbaeva, A. A. Aripova.
Organizers: A.D. Spanbaev, D.A. Tagayev.


In total, 66 students participated in the regional Olympiad on the subject “Biology”.

 Prizes were awarded to 6 school students who scored maximum scores

1st place - Fariza Kyzykbaykyzy - №82 specialized lyceum "Daryn"

2nd place - Ayaru Zhumabek - 91 gymnasium school
2nd place - Assem Kurshyda - School-Lyceum №54 named after Akseleu Seydimbek

3rd place - Anna Kazlauskaite - KSU Gymnasium No. 6
3rd place - Gauhar Malik - 76 school-lyceum
3rd place - Inkar Akylbekova, 37 school-lyceum

In addition, all participants were given certificates of participation in the Olympiad.