
Science at the faculty is concentrated in laboratories, which are organically built into the structure of the educational and laboratory center of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Each department in its structure has a laboratories, many of which are equipped with modern equipment that allows to carry out scientific work at the modern level, including the performance of student qualification works. 

The Center provides wide opportunities for molecular-biological and cytogenetic research on modern equipment. Active interaction of faculty staff with research institutes of various academies, as well as with numerous foreign partners, allows obtaining large-scale joint international grants, which creates unique opportunities for close integration with world scientific activities and participation in modern scientific programs. This, in turn, is reflected in joint publications in prestigious international journals with a high citation index. The undoubted result of fundamental and applied scientific research is their practical application, an example of which is the development of important drugs for medicine, dyes, biologics, etc.

Professors, associate professors and teachers of the faculty are included in the research work of the university, scientific collaborators of the laboratories take an active part in the educational process, which creates a unified scientific and educational complex aimed at training qualified specialists.