Scientific activity

The scientific activity of the Department of "Physical and Economic Geography"

Geography and hydrology are integral components in the study of the environment and the processes occurring in it. Geographical and hydrological studies were conducted as early as the 3rd millennium BC. So the first expeditionary campaigns with equipment were conducted in ancient Egypt with the study of the territory of the center of Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Red Sea. Research in these areas is relevant to this day in the natural sciences. That is why the formation and promotion of active participation in the scientific activities of the faculty and students is a priority.

In accordance with the main practical tasks — the formation of a university as a university of international level, the goals are set in fundamental research in priority areas of science and technology. In view of this, the general direction of the research activity of the Department of Physical and Economic Geography is to participate in solving the basic problems of fundamental science in the field of geography and hydrology, based on geographical and hydrological research, in particular, areas of physical and economic geography, hydrological calculations, water problems resources, system analysis, application of GIS technologies, etc.

The need for reforming science forces us to look for new organizational forms of its existence, in connection with which increasing attention is paid to university science. At the present stage, its specificity is analyzed, priority development directions are formed.

The Department of Physical and Economic Geography is interested in the development of the scientific component of the faculty and the identification of active students in scientific activities. For this purpose, the necessary conditions for the further development of research potential are formed at the Department of Physical and Economic Geography. The faculty of the department regularly take part in Republican and International conferences, symposium, seminars, published in international scientific journals Thomson Reuters and Scopus, in foreign journals RINC, in journals of the CCFES MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, publish textbooks, monographs, guidelines, catalogs, books and attract educators to research activities, as well as to research projects.

On the basis of the department formed scientific schools that are purposefully engaged in scientific activities and research.

The scientific school of Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor G.M. Dzhanaleeva, is based on geographical sciences and geoecology, technogenesis and the dynamics of Geosystems, the synthesis of the constructions of recognized scientific authorities in the field of geoecology, classical geographical theories. The scientific school performs research work in the following areas: technogenesis, anthropogenic disturbance of the territory, GIS technology.- the team "Zhas Hydrologtar" represented by Apsalimova Tomiris, Moldagaliyeva Assel, Nurkhan Maryam, 2-year students of the specialty "Hydrology" of the Eurasian National University. L.N.Gumilyov under the supervision of Zaurbek Auelbek Karibaevich


1. Holders of awards, honorary titles (international, national):

Tulegenov Sh. A. - medal for support in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Inkarova Zh.I. - Medal "for services to the trade union of Education Workers" of the Kazakhstan industry professional union of education and science workers

Inkarova Zh.I. - Letter of Thanks "for a great personal contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Mon RK)

Saparov K. T.-for his contribution to the development of Science and education;was awarded the Lev Gumilyov medal.

2. Implementation of grant financing (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, DAAD, etc.) abroad:

Mashtaeva Sh. I., PhD, Associate Professor. Implementation of the Newton-Al-Farabi project, 2016-2018

The Department of Physical and Economic Geography has three scientific schools.

The scientific school of Doctor of Geography, Professor G. M. Dzhanaleeva, is based on geographical sciences and geoecology, technogenesis and dynamics of geosystems, synthesis of constructions of recognized scientific authorities in the field of geoecology, classical geographical theories.

The scientific school of Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Saparov K. T. is engaged in the application of toponymic landscape-ecological methods in geographical research of Kazakhstan.

The scientific school of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A. A. Saipov conducts work in the field of economic and social geography, pedagogy.

3. Scientific publications in international scientific publications Scopus and Web of Science; A total of 11 publications in 2017:

K.T. Saparov, A.Y. Yeginbayeva, G.Zh. Nurgalieva, S.M. Kulzhanova, Еmin Atasoy, Jan A. Wendt The question of Kazakh national and geographical toponymic as potential factor of tourism development Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites .-2017. -№1. -С. 115-125 ISSN 2065-0817

CiteScore 2016 0.60


Salikhov T.K.

Батыс Қазақстан геоэкожүйелеріндегі топырақ жамылғысының құнарлығының қазіргі жағдайы 

Известия Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан. Серия геологии и технических наук - 2017. - № 2. - С. 252-256 ISSN 2224-5278  
Salikhov T.K., Salikhova T.S., Khalel G.K. The Geoecological characteristics and Recreational potential on the territory of the projected State Natural Reserve "Bokeyorda" West Kazakhstan region 

Известия национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан, Серия геологии и технических наук. - 2017. - № 3(423). - С. 216-227 ISSN 2224-5278


T. Narbayev, A. K. Zauerbek, M. Narbayev, K. Narbayeva Improvement of the methodology and scientific-technical basis of the adjustment parameters of reservoirs in the pool of undrained rivers (case study of Ile river basin)

Известия национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан, Серия геологии и технических наук. - 2017. - № 3(423). - С. 100-113 ISSN 2224-5278


Nazgul Zh. Zhensikbayeva, К.T. Saparov, S.M. Kulzhanova, Еmin Atasoy, Jan A. Wendt Determination of Southern Altai geography propitiousness extent for tourism development

Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites .-2017. -№2(10). -С. 158-164 ISSN 2065-0817


А.Saiken, Y.Zhaoping, O.Mazbayev, A.Duissembayev, B.Izenbaev, S.Nassanbekova Ethnic Cultural Tourism Resources Evaluation and Development: Kazakh Cultural Tourism Resources Analysis

Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 467-475, june 2017. ISSN 2068-7729




Amirzhanovna Z.A., Zhanaleyeva K.M., Berdenov Zharas Galimzhanovich, Saparov K.T., Mendybayev E. H., Atasoy E. Assessment of hydrogeoecological features of the Yesil River Basin Journal of Environmental Biology. DOI : ISSN: 0254-8704


2016 0.83

Salikhov T. K., Baikov K. S., Salikhova T. S., Sarsengaliyev R. S., Nurgaliyeva G. Zh., Kushenbekova A. K., Ayurzhanaev A. A., Alibaeva M. T. Geoecological assessment of fodder grounds of the projected state nature reserve "Bokeyorda" in West Kazakhstan region  Известия Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан. Серия геологии и технических наук - 2017. - № 5. - С. 181-189 ISSN 2224-5278



K.Dzhanaleyeva, G.Mazhitova, A.Zhanguzhina, Zh.Berdenov, T.Bazarbayeva, Emin Atasoy TECHNOGENESIS OF GEOECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS OF NORTHEN KAZAKHSTAN: PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education. Vol. 26, №6, 2017. P. 903-921 ISSN 0861-9255


2016 0.15

Z.Berdenov, E.Mendibaev, T.Salihov, K.Akhmedenov, G.Ataeva GEOECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL CITIES: ON THE EXAMPLE OF AKTOBE AGGLOMERATION Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education. Vol. 26, №6, 2017. P. 890-902 ISSN 0861-9255


2016 0.15

Teaching staff at the department have an H (Hirsch) index based on Scopus:

Full name, academic degree, position h-index
Mazbayev Ordenbek Blisbekovich, d.g.s., рrofessor 1
Dzhanaleeva Gulzhan Mukhitovna, d.g.s., рrofessor 1
Salikhov Talgat Kumarovich, c.a.s., а.а., рrofessor 1
Berdenov Zharas Galimzhanovich, PhD 1

In 2017, 34 papers were published in the journals of the KKSON MES RK Faculty of the Department, 3 monographs were published.

The International scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of Geography"was held on 17.11.2017.

From October 9 to 14, 2017, the Department of Physical and Economic Geography held an international seminar within the framework of the project on "Improving the model of hydrological forecasting of spring runoff and mitigation of the consequences of spring floods in Kazakhstan based on the physical method and satellite data". This project is funded by the Newton-al-Farabi Foundation


01.02.2017 An agreement was signed on the organization of a branch of the faculty on the basis of the Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS (Russia) for 5 years. 



 1. Winners of awards, honorary titles (international, national):

Saparov K. T.-Order Of The Republic of Kazakhstan" Eren enbegi ushin"; for professional competence and high responsiveness in the work of the subject Commission for reviewing the results of testing, examination of textbooks and teaching materials.

Meruert Musabayeva-Leader-Teacher-2018, Ernest Haeckel Award, International Public Foundation " International Academy of Environmental Sciences, Engineering and Pedagogy»

Mazbayev Ordenbek Blisbekovich-for services to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate of Honor.

Beisenova A. S. - State Prize named after K. I. Satpayev for the best scientific research in the field of natural sciences.

2. Implementation of grant financing (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, DAAD, etc.) abroad

Mashtaeva Sh. I., PhD, Associate Professor. Implementation of the Newton-Al-Farabi project, 2016-2018

3. Scientific publications in international scientific publications Scopus and Web of Science (there is a "screenshot" from the database).

In total for 2018 6 Scopus and 2 Web of Science:

Full name of the author Publication name Journal name, year, number journal impact factor
Salikhov T.K., Tynykulov M.K., Kostikov I.F., Urgaliev Zh.Sh., Salhozhaeva G M., Arystanova Sh.E. The biological characteristics of grain production and silage from corn (zea mays) News of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. - 2018. - № 1. – C. 99-106 ISSN 2224-5278  WoS    
G. Z. Маzhitova, K. М. Janaleyeva, Z. G. Berdenov, B. B. Doskenova, Е. Atasoy Assessment of the Sustainability of Landscapes of the North-kazakhstan Region to Agricultural Impact News of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. - 2018. - № 3(429). – C. 90-95 ISSN 2224-5278  WoS


Full name of the author Publication name Journal name, year, number journal impact factor
N.Zh. Zhensikbayeva, К.T. Saparov, J.Chlachula, A.V.Yegorina, N.A.Uruzbayeva, Jan Wendt Natural potential for tourism development in Southern Altai (Kazakhstan) Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites Year XI, no. l, vol. 21, May 2018, p.200-212 ISSN 2065-0817, E-ISSN 2065-1198 Article no. 21116-281 Scopus, CiteScore 2016 0.60
Salikhov T.K., Tynykulov M.K., Kostikov I.F., Urgaliev Zh.Sh., Salhozhaeva G M., Arystanova Sh.E The biological characteristics of grain production and silage from corn (zea mays) News of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. - 2018. - № 1. – C. 99-106 ISSN 2224-5278 Scopus CiteScore 2017 0.06
G. Z. Маzhitova, K. М. Janaleyeva, Z. G. Berdenov, B. B. Doskenova, Е. Atasoy Assessment of the Sustainability of Landscapes of the North-kazakhstan Region to Agricultural Impact News of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. - 2018. - № 3(429). – C. 90-95 ISSN 2224-5278 CiteScore 2017 0.06
Taukenov, T, Dzhanaleeva, K., Yerzhanova, Z. Methods of improving the efficiency of monitoring of channel deformations of mountain rivers near built-in settlements: On the example of the Buktyrma river  Geodesy and Cartography&nbsp Volume 44, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 28-35 ISSN: 2029-6991
Scopus CiteScore 2017 0.31
 Saparov, K., Chlachula, J., Yeginbayeva, A.  Toponymy of the Ancient Sary-Arka (North-Eastern Kazakhstan)  Quaestiones Geographicae Volume 37, Issue 3, 1 September 2018, Pages 35-52 ISSN: 0137-477X  Scopus CiteScore 2017 0.54

 Y. Kabiyev, Zh. Berdenov, К. Dzhanaleeva, Еmin Аtasoy, Jan A. Wendt  Landscape ecological analysis of the modern delta of the Ural (Zhayik) river  GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. Year XI, vol. 23, no. 3, 2018, p.644-655. ISSN 2065-0817  Scopus CiteScore 2017 0.80

The Hirsch index according to the Web of Science database:

Full name, academic degree, position h-index
Dzhanaleeva G. M., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission 2
Mazbayev O. B., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission 2
Berdenov Zh. G., PhD 2
Saparov K. T., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission 1
Musabaeva M. N., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission 1

 The Hirsch index according to the Scopus database:

Full name, academic degree, position h-index
Dzhanaleeva G. M., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission 2
Mazbayev O. B., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission  2
Saparov K. T., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission  2
Berdenov Zh. G., PhD 2
Musabaeva M. N., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission 1

In 2018, 21 papers and 2 monographs were published in the journals of the KKSON MES RK Faculty of the Department.


On January 30, 2018, from 15.00 to 17.00, a methodological seminar "Creating an innovative educational environment at the L. N. Gumilyov ENU" was held"

The department has a student circle "Geographer". The main task of which is to attract students to participate in R & D. Also, students of 3-4 courses are additionally engaged in the software of ArcGIS.


14 апреля 2018 г. проведена Международная научно-практическая конференции «Геосистемный подход к изучению природной среды Республики Казахстан».

3-29 сентября 2018 г., для магистрантов 1-2 курса, на кафедре Физической и экономической географии, читал лекции приглашенный профессор Улудагского университета (Турция) Емин Атасой.

From October 29 to November 27, 2018, a visiting professor of Sofia State University (Bulgaria), Marin Rakhnev Rusev, gave lectures for 4th-year hydrologists at the Department of Physical and Economic Geography.



Scientific publications in international scientific publications WoS:

Ramazanova, N.Y., Berdenov, Z.G, Ramazanov, S.K., Kazangapova, N.B., Romanova, S.M., Toksanbaeva, S.T., Wendt, J Landscape-geochemical analysis of steppe zone basin Zhaiyk News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 436, July-August 2019, Pages 33-41 WoS IF2018 – 0
Mashtayeva Shamshagul  Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) - a community perspective Hydrological sciences journal-journal des sciences hydrologiques   Том: 64   Выпуск: 10   Стр.: 1141-1158, 2019.   WoS IF 2018 –  2.18 (Q2)

Scientific publications in international scientific publications Scopus

Auezova Z.T., G.Kodekova, K.Mukatayeva, V.Korvyakov Model of developing professional thinking in modern education conditions  Opción, Año 34, No. 85-2 (2018): 458-4787, ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385 Венесула. 2019  
Koshim, A.G., Sergeyeva, A.M., Saparov, K.T., Wendt, J.A Development of scientific tourism at Baikonur Cosmodrome Kazakhstan Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites. Volume 24, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 267-279. ISSN:2065-0817, E-ISSN:2065-1198   Scopus CiteScore  0.90

Ozgeldinova, Z.O. Content of manganese in soils of the Alakol hollow  Известия НАН РК. Серия геологии и технических наук. – Алматы, 2019. - № 2 (434). – С. 114-119  
Mukayev, Z.T., Ozgeldinova, Z.O., Sibirkina, A.R., Alagudzhaeva, M.A., Ospan, G.T Content of manganese in soils of the Alakol hollow News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2019, 2(434), с. 114-119  
Ozgeldinova, Z.O., Dzhanaleeva, K.M., Mukaev, Z.T., Korytny, L.M., Ospan, G.T. Geomatic features of geosystems formation of the Sarysu river basin  News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2019, 2(434), с. 55-61  
Ozgeldinova, Z.O., Janaleyeva, K.M., Auyezova, Z.T., Ospan, G.T., Kaygusuz, M Assessment of human impacts on geosystems of Sarysu river basin Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019, 28(8), с. 6019-6026 Scopus CiteScore 2018 0.41

The Hirsch index according to the Web of Science database:

Full name, academic degree, position h-index
Dzhanaleeva G. M., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission h=2
Mazbayev O. B., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission h=2
Saparov K. T., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission h=1
Berdenov Zh. G., PhD h=2
Musabaeva M. N., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission h=1
Ozgeldinova Zh. O., PhD h=1

The Hirsch index according to the Scopus database:

Full name, academic degree, position h-index
Dzhanaleeva G. M., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission h=2
Mazbayev O. B., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission h=2
Saparov K. T., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission h=2
Berdenov Zh. G., PhD h=2
Musabaeva M. N., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission h=1
Ramazanova N. E., PhD h=1
Ozgeldinova Zh. O., PhD h=1
Egimbayeva A. E., PhD h=1

In 2019, 25 works were published in the journals of the KKSON MES RK Faculty of the department, 2 monographs, 4 textbooks were published, 2 copyright certificates and 2 patents were obtained.

Zaurbek A. K., Elbasieva B. B. «Геодезия негіздері» пәнінің оқу-далалық практикасы Educational and methodical manual
Zaurbek A. K., Kerimbay.B.C. Су пайдаланудың эколого-экономикалық негіздері Educational and methodical manual
Ozgeldinova Zh. O. Введение в экономическую, социальную и политическую географию Training manual
Eginbayeva A. E. Саыарқа топонимикасы Monograph
Ramazanova N. E. Көзекқұм құмды массивіндегі мия бірлестігінің қазіргі заманғы жағдайы Monograph
Sadvakasova S. R. Водное хозяйство Training manual

The department has a student circle "GIS". The main task of which is to attract students to participate in R & D. There are also additional classes for undergraduates and doctoral students in GIS technologies, software for ArcGIS, Erdas, and ENVI.



Scientific publications in international scientific publications WoS:

1) Nurgul Ramazanova, Zharas Berdenov, Erbolat Mendybayev, Jan Wendt, Emin Atasoy. MODELING SOIL EROSION IN THE CHAGAN RIVER BASIN OF THE WEST KAZAKHSTAN WITH USING RUSLE AND GIS TOOLS // Journal of Environmental Biology. DOI : ISSN: 0254-8704. published in March 2020 

2) Berdenov Zh.G., Ilies, DC ; Onet, A; Sonko, SM ; Ilies, A. AIR QUALITY IN CELLARS: A CASE STUDY OF WINE CELLAR IN SALACEA, ROMANIA // Folia Geographica. – Vol. 62, №1. – 158-173. – UNIV PRESOV, SLOVAKIA. ISSN: 1336-6157 (IF=0.7, Q3)

3) Safarov, RZ ; Shomanova, ZK , Nossenko, Berdenov Zh.G. SOLVING OF CLASSIFICATION PROBLEM IN SPATIAL ANALYSIS APPLYING THE TECHNOLOGY OF GRADIENT BOOSTING CATBOOST  // Folia Geographica. – Vol. 62, №1. – 112-126. – UNIV PRESOV, SLOVAKIA. ISSN: 1336-6157 (IF=0.7, Q3)

Scientific publications in international scientific publications Scopus:

1) G.V. Herman, Berdenov Zh.G., T. Caciora, R. Dumbravă, S.M. Sonko, M. Ungureanu. Geographical considerations regarding the tourist information and promotion centers from Bihor county, Romania // Scopus Q2. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. - Romania, 2019. - №4, vol. 27. Р. 1439-1448. DOI 10.30892/gtg.27427-446. published in January 2020

2) A.Beketova, Berdenov Zh.G, G.Ataeva, R.Safarov, Z.Shomanova, G.V. Herman. Geochemical monitoring of industrial center for development of recreational areas (on the example of Khromtau-Don industrial hub, Kazakhstan) // Scopus Q2. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. - Romania, 2019. - №4, vol. 27. Р. 1449-1463. DOI 10.30892/gtg.27428-447

3) B.S. Kerіmbay, K. M. Janaleyeva, N.N. Kerimbay. Tourist and recreational potential of landscapes of the specially protected natural area of Sharyn of the Republic of Kazakhstan // GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites Year XII, vol. 28, no. 1, 2020, p.67-79. (53-й квартиль)

4) R.A. Karatabanov, K.М. Janaleyeva, S.V. Pashkov. Kazakhstan’s multiethnicity: factor of inter-ethnic tension and development of cross-border tourism // GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites Year XIII, vol. 29, no. 2, 2020, p.732-745 (53-й квартиль).

5) Mashtaeva Sh.I., Fugazza, D ; Shaw, T.E; Brock, B. Inter-annual variability in snow cover depletion patterns and atmospheric circulation indices in the Upper Irtysh basin, Central Asia // HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES? 2020

6) Ramazanova N., Toksanbaeva S., Berdenov Zh., Ozgeldinova Zh., Tursynova T., A. Zhakupov. Analysis of the current state of recreational resources of the Nura river basin, the Republic of Kazakhstan // GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites Year XIII, vol. 31, no. 3, 2020, p.1043-1048. DOI 10.30892/gtg.31316-539 (53-й квартиль).

7) Mukayev Zh., Ozgeldinova Zh., Janaleyeva K., Ramazanova N., Zhanguzhina A. Assessment of the tourist recreation capacity of lake Alakol basin // GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites Year XIIII, vol. 30, no. 2 supplement, 2020, p.875-879 DOI 10.30892/gtg.302sspll13-17 

8) Ismagulova, S.M., Dmitriyev, P.S., Dunets, A.N., Janaleyeva, K.M. Tourist Relations Kazakhstan with the countries of the commonwealth of independent States at the modern Stage // GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2020, Vol. 31(3), 1146–1152. (53-й квартиль).


The Hirsch index according to the Web of Science database:


Full name, academic degree, position h-index
Dzhanaleeva G. M., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor h=2
Mazbayev O. B., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor h=2
Saparov K. T., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor h=1
Berdenov Zh. G., PhD, Associate Professor h=3
Musabaeva M. N., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor h=1

Ozgeldinova Zh. O., PhD, Associate Professor

Zhanguzhina A. A., PhD, Senior lecturer.

Eginbayeva A. E., PhD, Senior lecturer.





The Hirsch index according to the Scopus database:

Full name, academic degree, position h-index
Dzhanaleeva G. M., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor h=5
Mazbayev O. B., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor h=2
Saparov K. T., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor h=4
Berdenov Zh. G., PhD, Associate Professor h=6
Musabaeva M. N., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor h=1

Ozgeldinova Zh. O., PhD, Associate Professor

Zhanguzhina A. A., PhD, Senior lecturer.

Eginbayeva A. E., PhD, Senior lecturer.





For 2020, 12 works were published in the journals of the KKSON MES RK Faculty of the department, 1 monograph, 3 textbooks were published, 1 author's certificate was obtained.

On April 12, the "Bilim zhane gylym 2020" conference was held at the department in the "online conference" mode. ( 

23 scientific papers were presented at the conference. At the end of the conference, the results were published on the website

Research of undergraduates / doctoral students 2018-2020




 Scientific publications in international scientific publications WoS:

1) Dorina Camelia; Marcu, F; Caciora, Tudor; Indrie, Liliana; Ilies, Alexandru; Albu, Adina; Costea, Monica; Burta, Ligia; Baias, Stefan; Ilies, Marin ; Sandor, Mircea; Herman, Grigore Vasile; Hodor, Nicolaie; Ilies, Gabriela; Berdenov, Zharas. Investigations of Museum Indoor Microclimate and Air Quality. Case Study from Romania // ATMOSPHERE. Volume: 12 Issue: 2. DOI: 10.3390/atmos12020286.Published: FEB 2021

Scientific publications in international scientific publications Scopus:

1) Bou-Belda, E., Indrie, L., Ilieș, D.C., Herman, G., Caciora, T., Berdenov, Zh. Chitosan – A non-invasive approach for the preservation of historical textiles | Chitosanul – O abordare neinvazivă pentru prezervarea textilelor istorice // Industria Textila, 2021, 71(6), стр. 576–579 

2) Nigmatova, S., Zhamangarа, A., Bayshashov, B., ...Akmagambet, S., Berdenov, Z. Canyons of the charyn river (South-East Kazakhstan): Geological history and geotourism // Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2021, 34(1), стр. 102–111.  

3) Кoshim, A.G., Sergeyeva, A.M., Saparov, K.T., Berdibayeva, S.K., & Assylbekova, A.A. (2020). UNDERGROUND MOSQUES OF MANGYSTAU AS THE OBJECTS OF RELIGIOUS TOURISM // GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 34(1), 33–41.




Scientific publications in international scientific publications of the WoS:

1) Dorina Camelia; Mark, F; Kachora, Tudor; Indrie, Liliana; Illes, Alexandru; Albu, Adina; Kostya, Monica; Berta, Ligia; Bayas, Stefan; Illes, Marin; Sandor, Mircea; Herman, Grigore Vasile; Hodor, Nicolai; Illes, Gabriela; Berdenov, Zharas. Research of microclimate and air quality in the Museum premises. Case study from Romania // ATMOSPHERE. Volume: 12 Issue: 2. DOI: 10.3390/atmos12020286.Published: FEBRUARY 2021

Scientific publications in international scientific journals Scopus:

1) Bu-Belda E., Indrie L., Iliesh D.K., Herman G., Kachora T., Berdenov J. Chitosan – a non–invasive approach to the preservation of historical textiles | Chitosanul - O abordare neinvazivă pentru preservarea textilelor istorice // Textile Industry, 2021, 71(6), pp. 576-579

2) Nigmatova S., Zhamangara A., Baishashov B., ...Akmagambet S., Berdenov Z. Canyons of the Charyn River (Southeastern Kazakhstan): geological history and geotourism // Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2021, 34(1), pp. 102-111.

3) Koshim A.G., Sergeeva A.M., Saparov K.T., Berdibaeva S.K. and Asylbekova A.A. (2020). UNDERGROUND MOSQUES OF MANGYSTAU AS OBJECTS OF RELIGIOUS TOURISM // Geojournal of tourism and geosites, 34(1), 33-41.

The Hirsch index according to the Web of Science database:



уч. степень, должность



Берденов Ж.Г., PhD, доцент (Berdenov Zh.) ResearcherID: S-7374-2017



Джаналеева Г.М., д.г.н., профессор (Dzhanaleeva, G. M., Janaleyeva, K. M.) ResearcherID:



Сапаров К.Т., д.г.н., профессор (Saparov Kuat) ResearcherID:



Маштаева Ш.И., к.г.н., доцент (Mashtayeva Shamshagul) ResearcherID:



Мусабаева М.Н., д.г.н., профессор (Musabayeva, M.) ResearcherID:



Рамазанова Н.Е., PhD доцент (Ramazanova, N.) ResearcherID: AAS-5098-2020



Озгелдинова Ж.О., PhD доцент (Ozgeldinova, Zh O.) ResearcherID: ABD-7061-2021



Жангужина А.А., PhD



Егимбаева А., PhD, доцент (Yeginbayeva, A.)


Итого: 9



The Hirsch index according to the Scopus database:




уч. степень, должность



Джаналеева Г.М., д.г.н., профессор AuthorID: 57202073018



Берденов Ж.Г., PhD, доцент AuthorID: 57192233336



Сапаров К.Т., д.г.н., профессор AuthorID: 57194424277



Рамазанова Н.Е., PhD, доцент AuthorID: 57130893100



Маштаева Ш.И., к.г.н., доцент AuthorID: 56835758400



Мусабаева М.Н., д.г.н., профессор AuthorID: 57215697974



Егинбаева А.Е., PhD, доцент AuthorID: 57194424770



Озгелдинова Ж.О., PhD, доцент AuthorID: 55974482300



Жангужина А.А., PhD AuthorID: 57199861154



Инкарова Ж.И. (Inkarova, Zh I.)



Саипов А.А. AuthorID: 57200414525


Итого: 11



Scientific publications in international scientific publications Thomson Reuters


Ф.И.О. автора (ов) (указать на

английском языке)


Наименование журнала, год, номер, стр.,



журнала (IF)


A.G.Abdullina, A. M.Sergeyeva, K. T.Saparov, G.Zh.Shumakova, A. Ye. Yeginbayeva, N. J.Embergenov.

Toponyms of cretaceous deposits in Western Kazakhstan territory (in the context of Aktobe region).

News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences, 2021, 2(446), стр. 22–


Q-4 0,04


Albu, Adina Victoria; Caciora,


Industria Textila, 2021. – Vol. 72, № 1, P.



Tudor; Berdenov, Zharas; Ilies,





Dorina Camelia; Sturzu, Bogdan;





Sopota, Daniela; Herman, Grigore





Vasile; Ilies, Alexandru; Kecse,










Ilies, Dorina Camelia; Marcu, Florin;


Atmosphere, 2021. – Vol. 12, № 2. – Р. 45-52.



Caciora, Tudor; Indrie, Liliana; Ilies,





Alexandru; Albu, Adina; Costea,





Monica; Burta, Ligia; Baias, Stefan;





Ilies, Marin; Sandor, Mircea;





Herman, Grigore Vasile; Hodor,





Nicolaie; Ilies, Gabriela; Berdenov










Wendt, JA, Indrie L, Dejeu P, Albu


Fibres & Textiles in eastern Europe, Vol. 29,



A, Ilies D.C., Josan I, Berdenov Z.,


№5, р.80-85



Grama V., Safarov B.





Ilies M., Har N., Hodor N., Ilies DC.,


Carpathian     journal      of                      Earth        and



Caciora T., Baias S., Akiyanova F.,


Environmental sciences.



Berdenov Z.


Vol. 16, №2, р. 391-402







Всего: 5

Научные публикации в международных научных изданиях Scopus


№ п/п

Ф.И.О. автора(ов)

Название публикации

Наименование журнала, год, номер, стр., ISSN

импакт- фактор журнала


Albu, A.V., Caciora, T., Berdenov, Z., Kecse, G., Ghergheles, C.G.,

Digitalization of garment in the context of circular economy.

Industria Textila, 2021. Vol. 72(1), P.


38-й квартиль.

CiteScore (2020)-1.1


Nigmatova, S., Zhamangarа, A., Bayshashov, B., Akmagambet, S., Berdenov, Z.

Canyons of the charyn river (South-East Kazakhstan): Geological history and


Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2021. Vol. 34(1), P. 102–111.

61-й квартиль.

CiteScore (2021)-2.8


Ilieş, D.C., Marcu F., Caciora T., Berdenov Z.,

Huniadi A., Wendt J.A.

Investigations of museum indoor

microclimate and air quality. Case study from Romania.

Atmosphere, 2021. Vol. 12(2), P. 270-


64-й квартиль.

CiteScore (2020)-2.9


A. Koshim, A. Sergeyeva, K. Saparov, S. Berdybaeva, A. Assylbekova.

Underground mosques of Mangystau as the objects of religious toutrism.

GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. - Romania, vol. 34, no.1, 2021, Р.33-41.

DOI 10.30892/gtg.34105-616.

61-й квартиль CiteScore



Abdullina A.G., Sergeyeva A.M., Saparov K.

T., Yeginbaeva A.Ye., Embergenov N.J..

Toponyms of cretaceous deposits in Western Kazakhstan territory (In the context of aktobe region).

News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2021, 2 (446), pp.


ISSN 2518 – 170X

26-й квартиль


Madysheva A.M., Imangulova T., Khudzhatov M.В., Yeginbayeva Aigul, Zhaxybekova D.

Management of sustainable development of tourism in cross-border territories

Academy of Strategic Management Journal Volume 20, Special Issue 2,

2021. 1544-1458-20-S2-99

53-й квартиль CiteScoreгод (2020)-2.1


Sansyzbayeva, A., Saipov, A., Dunets, A., Mussagaliyeva, A., Ramazan, A.

Geography of natural and recreational facilities in the development of economic integration of the border areas of northern kazakhstan and the russian


Geojournal of Tourism and Geositesthis link is disabled, 2021, 35(2), p. 499-506. 677

61-й квартиль.

CiteScore (2021)-2.8


Y.Tokpanov, E.Atasoy, E.Mendybayev,

B.Abdimanapov, Y.Andasbayev, R.Mukhitdinova, Zh. Inkarova

Prospects for the development of health

tourism on lake Ray in the Almaty region of the Republic of Kazakhstan

GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2021, vol. 37, no. 3, p. 888-893.

DOI 10.30892/gtg.37320-722

61-й квартиль.

CiteScore (2021)-2.8


Ilies M., Ilies M.,Har N., Har N.,Hodor N., Ilies D.C.,Caciora T.,Akiyanova F.,Berdenov Z.

Degradation and geomycological aspects regarding the natural stone from built outdoor

Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2021, Vol. 16, № 2, рр. 391 – 402. DOI


61-й квартиль.

CiteScore (2021)-2.5


Berdenov Z., Mendybayev E.H., Beketova A.T., Satkarova N., Gozner M.

Assessment of the Southern Urals recreational potential for the development of the Aktobe tourism industry

GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2021. - 38(4). – P. 1274-

1279. 769

61-й квартиль.

CiteScore (2021)-2.8
