Scientific activity

The Department of biotechnology and Microbiology conducts fundamental and applied research in the field of molecular biology, biochemistry, Virology, genetic engineering, Microbiology, plant physiology and many other areas of science. 

Scientific-reserch work reports of department 2018 

Scientific-reserch work reports of department 2019

Scientific-reserch work reports of department 2020

Scientific-reserch work reports of department 2021

Scientific-reserch work reports of department 2022

Students, undergraduates and young scientists of the Department take an active part in scientific research. Students, undergraduates take part in research competitions (1st place - the Best scientific work among students 2018 "Scientists of the future" - the Foundation of the first President; first degree Diploma in the all-Russian scientific and practical conference "Modern approaches and methods in plant protection - 2018").

Within the framework of grant financing projects, research is carried out in the following areas:

1. Development of new highly effective chemotherapy biologics. Head of the research project Shapekova N. L.

2. The influence of the viral protein determinant for acquired resistance of plants and the generation of the seed with a pre-programmed resistance to viral infection. Head of the scientific project Omarov R. T.

3. Participation of ROS-producing molybdenum in the development of the root system and plant resistance to stress. Head of the scientific project Omarov R. T.

4. The development of viral infection in plants under temperature stress. Head of the research project, Masalimov Zh. K.

5. Study of biochemical mechanisms of improvement of salt-resistant and drought-resistant plants by presowing seed priming in the presence of Kazakhstan diatomite. The head of the scientific project Alikulov Z. A.


 In the framework of the program target financing of scientific researches are executed on the following topics scientific-technical program "the Use of adaptive mechanisms of plants in the development of advanced technologies for the production of crops resistant to stress factors" the following tasks are performed:

1. Study of the influence of temperature stress on the level of oxidative stress in barley in drought conditions. Head Of Masalimov Zh. 

2. Studies of protective antiviral mechanisms of plants under the influence of salt stress in N. benthamiana and barley. Head Of Omarov R. T.


 Non-funded research projects:

On the basis of the Department conducted research in the field of biochemistry of plant adaptation to extreme environmental factors.N., Professor Sarsenbayeva K. N.; in the field of food biotechnology – head Sagyndykov U. Z.; in the field of Parasitology and development of maral breeding under the leadership of K. B. N. Aubakirova K. M.



In 2018, the annual international scientific forum "Biology and Biotechnology of the XXI century" was held, which was attended by students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists.


In 2020, a conference was held together with Turkey "TURK COSE 2020"


Materials of the International Scientific Forum "BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY OF the XXI CENTURY"



Scientific publications:

ФИО/ Authors


Publication title

Journal name


Kulyash Meiramkulova Duman Orynbekov Gulnur Saspugayeva Karlygash Aubakirova Sholpan Arystanova Aliya Kydyrbekova Erbolat Tashenov Kartjanov Nurlan  andTimoth Mkilima



The Effect of Mixing Ratios on the Performance of an Integrated Poultry Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment Plant for a Recyclable High-Quality Effluent



Nayekova, S.K. Aubakirova, K.M. Aitlessov, K.K. Demidchik, V.V. Alikulov, Z.A.



Impact of diatomite priming of seeds of hordeum vulgaris in salinity

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences


Kulyash Meiramkulova

Davud Devrishov Mikhail Zhumagulov Sholpan Arystanova Zhaskhaiyr Karagoishin

Saida Marzanova,Aliya Kydyrbekova

Timoth Mkilima

Jianxin Li 6



Performance of an Integrated Membrane Process with Electrochemical Pre-Treatment on Poultry Slaughterhouse Wastewater Purification



Iksat N.N.

Zhangazin S.B. Madirov A.A.

Omarov R.T.



Effect of molybdenum on the activity of molybdoenzymes

Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology


Сагындыкова С.З. Рабаева Н.А. Сагындыков У.З. Сарсенбаева Д.Е.

Исследование микрофлоры фарша рыб и численность микроорганизмов в различных питательных средах



The scientific heritage


Dildabek A.

Ilyasova B. Stamgaliyeva Z. Madirov A.

Kassenova S. Zhangazin S. Massalimov Zh. Akbassova A.



Еffect of salt priming and viral infection on Nicotiana Benthamiana

Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology


Бейсекова М.К., Жангазин С.Б., Тлеубек А., Иксат Н.Н., Ермухамбетова Р.Ж., Акбасова А.Ж., Омаров Р.Т.



Сравнительный анализ развития роста и корневой системы растений ячменя под влиянием абиотического стресса

Биологические науки Казахстана. -2020.


Tokasheva D.S., Iksat N.N., Omarov R.T.


  Magnesium and manganese biological role in crops diseases  



Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.


 Seitkamal K.N., Zhappar N.K., Shaikhutdinov V.M., Shibayeva A.K., Sagyndykov U.Z. –

 A comparative study on psychrophilic and mesophilic biooxidation of ferrous iron by pure cultures of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans.



Вестник Карагандинского университета. – Караганда. – КарГУ им.Букетова.


S. K. Nayekova, K. M. Aubakirova
, G. A. Shalakhmetova, V. V. Demidchik, Z. A. Alikulov

The effect of pre-sown priming of barley seeds in the solutions of different salts in the combination with diatomite on allantoin content in roots seedlings under salinе сonditions





 Мухамеджанова Д. С., Аксенова И. В., Ильясова Б.Б., Омаров Р.Т.

Влияние ионообменных сорбентов и золы-уноса на повышение устойчивости растений ячменя (Hordeum vulgare L.) в условиях солевого стресса



Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева.


Сейткамал К.Н., Шайхутдинов В.М., Жаппар Н.К., Сагындыков У.З.

Тау-кен өнеркәсібі қалдықтарынан күшәнді бактериялар арқылы биосілтісіздендіру үшін микроағзалардың бөлініп алуы мен күшәнға бейімделуі.



Материалы международного научного форума «Биология и биотехнология ХХІ века


Сагындыков У.З., Аят А., Акжанов Н., Нурыш А.

Silphium perfoliatum өсімдігін сүрлеуге арналған микроағзалардың қоректік орталарда қышқыл түзу қасиеттерін анықтау

БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЯСЫ» атты халықаралық ғылыми
форумының материалдар




Сагындыков У.З., Жылкыбаева А.С., Турсынбекова А.Ж., Акжанов Н. им. Л.Н. Гумилёва – 2020. – С.12-14


Қоректік ортада сүтқышқылы бактериялардың түзген колонияларын сипаттау.

Материалы международного научного форума "Биология и биотехнология ХХІ века".




 Сагындыков У.З., Набиев К.К.

Морфологические признаки выделенных молочнокислых бактерий.

Сборник VI международной научно-практической конференций «Наука и образование в современном мире: вызовы XXI века»




 Сагындыков У.З., Акжанов Н., Нурыш А.Б., Набиев К.К.

Қышқылсүт өнімдері мен пробиотикалық препараттың антибиотиктерге тұрақтылығын зерттеу.

 Материалы международного научного форума "Биология и биотехнология ХХІ века"




 Әбдірахманова А.Е., Сәбитұлы А., Гадильгереева Б.Ж., Бейсекова М.К., Жангазин С.Б.

Молибден мен вольфрам иондарының өсімдіктердің тұз күйзелісі тұрақтылығына әсері және өсімдіктердің морфометриялық параметрлерінің салыстырмалы сараптамасы

Материалы международного научного форума «Биология и биотехнология ХХІ века