Dear colleagues, young scientists!


We invite you to take part in the work of the International Scientific Forum "Biology and Biotechnology of XXI century".

Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the Eurasian th Nationality th university and they. L.N. Gumilyov invites students and young scientists to take part in the nternational of scientific th Forum Biology and Biotechnology of XXI century - 20 20 on April 20 21 year.


The forum is designed for researchers, undergraduates, Phd doctoral students, students of relevant specialties, employees of educational institutions, regardless of the country of residence.


Important dates:


March 30, 20 21 Deadline for submission of articles.

April , 20 years - Conducting the forum.


The following sections are planned to work at the forum :

Forum sections:

1. Topical issues of microbiology and virology

2. Actual problems of molecular biology and genetics

3. Actual problems of food, industrial and medical biotechnology


The time of the report at the sectional session is 10-15 minutes, discussion of the reports at the end of the work of the sections.


Conditions of participation: To participate in the forum, you must fill out an application in electronic form and send it to before March 30, 20 indicating in the subject line - “Application for participation in the forum” (the application form is attached). Attach the following documents to the letter: application for participation and article (file name - full name of the first author).     

As a result of the forum, it is planned to publish an electronic collection of materials from the International Scientific Forum "Biology and Biotechnology of the XXI Century".

Participation in the conference is free. Following the results of the conference will be an electronic compilation release with the assignment of the ISBN , conference materials will be published on the website of ENU. L.N. Gumilyov - www enu kz . One and the same person cannot be an author or co-author more than three times.


Application for participation in the conference


  1. Surname, name, patronymic ______________________ ___________________
  2. Status (student, undergraduate, doctoral student (specialty code), young scientist , teacher ___________________________________________________
  3. Report title _________________ ___________ ___________________
  4. Section ____________________________ ____________________________
  5. University, organization ____________________________ ____________________
  6. Address, phone, mail__________________ _________________________
  7. Desired form of participation:   Oral presentation at a breakout session, publication only.


Applications received by the organizing committee after the specified period are not considered, materials of reports are not published.

The organizing committee reserves the right to select reports for the forum.

The materials received will be examined by the editorial board, according to the conclusion of which the submitted materials will be included in the collection of materials for publication. Materials that have not passed the examination are not returned to the authors .

Travel expenses (travel, accommodation, meals) are covered by the conference participants.

The working languages ​​of the conference are Kazakh, Russian, English.

Requirements for the design of materials:

The materials of the report should give a clear idea of ​​the nature, content and results of the work carried out by the author .

The text should be typed in a text editor Word 97-2003 in Times New Roman font, size 12, single line spacing, aligned to the width of the page. Formulas should be typed in Microsoft Equation 3.0 editor Tables , diagrams, figures should have a title and numbering. Page parameters: all margins - 20 mm Volume m of material from 3 to 5 pages.


Design example


UDC .......

Article title

(1 indent)

Last name About chestvo1, Last Name E chestvo2

Place of work, Organization, City, Country address @ 1

Place of work, Organization, City, Country, address @ 2


Supervisor - Last name About honors

(1 indent)

Article text

(1 indent)

List of sources used

1. Akhmetova F.F. Production of original potato seeds on a virus-free basis // Mater. Int. scientific-practical conf. "The current state of potato and vegetable growing and their scientific support", village Kainar, NIIKOH. - 2006. - C.435 - 438 .

2. Trofimets L.N. Biological bases and methods of protecting seed potatoes from viral diseases: Author's abstract. Dis ., 1981. With .49

3. Murashige T., Skoog F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures.// Physiol. Plant. 1962 .-- v. 15. - p. 473 - 497.



Footnotes and references to sources are indicated at the end of the report with numbering as they are mentioned. The text should be edited stylistically and technically.


Organizing committee address:

010008, Astana, st. Cage Flour 13 .

Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov,

Faculty of Natural Sciences,

Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology .