Results of field training 1 course, specialty 6В05209-Geography

                                                             Results of field training
                                                 1 course, specialty 6В05209-Geography

Students of the department of physical and economic geography of the academic groups Gg-11, Gg-12, Gg-13, G-15 of the specialty “6B05209-Geography” passed field training from 25.05.– 13.06.2020.
The purpose of the practice: consolidation of the theoretical knowledge of students from the 1st year on the practice, understanding the geographical patterns, familiarity with the methods and techniques for determining individual components.
In connection with the transition to a remote format, changes were made to the research route and schedule. The objects of study of field practice were determined at the place of residence of students.
Over 3 weeks, field training was conducted in accordance with the approved program and schedule.
During the internship, students applied in practice the knowledge obtained from the theoretical course in the disciplines of General Geography, Topography with the basics of geodesy, Introduction to economic geography, used methods to determine general physical and geographical patterns and individual components. Students compiled a physical and geographical description of the object of study, the organization and conduct of meteorological control, performed work on the description of the terrain, a description of water bodies, the identification of changes in the natural territorial complexes , the study of the impact of human activities on local landscapes.

Job explanation

As part of the Topography with the basics of geodesy discipline, the Google Earth Pro software was studied, with which students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with satellite images of the studied area, determine the geographic coordinates of ground objects, calculate the morphometric characteristics of the area, determine the height of the studied area and create a topographic section.
06.16.2020 at 14.00 in the Microsoft teams program there was a defense of the results of training field practice with the participation of commission membersdepartment head N.E.Ramazanova, professor K. T. Saparov and senior teacher T. O.Daribay.

Report Protection

A review of literature and e-books on the topic, digital and cartographic information collected from Internet resources, their analysis, presentation and processing, and high-quality compilation of maps and tables were evaluated.

Topographic information work report

In addition, attention was paid to mastering the method of monitoring microclimatic indicators, drawing up comparative graphs and determining the relationship between climate indicators, describing the climatic conditions of the study area, mastering the herbarium collection method, and analyzing the use of topographic information obtained using the Google Earth Pro geoinformation program in research.
The identification of types of anthropogenic impact in the study area based on literary sources, their classification and analysis of environmental changes and components of the natural territorial complexes were evaluated

Analysis of types of anthropogenic impact    Herbarium decoration

The tasks of the field training practice were fully completed, the tasks were completed at the scheduled time and the goal of the practice was achieved.